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We want to help improve your teams Hockey IQ. Puck University offers a video coaching curriculum for Ice Hockey using unique and innovative training methods in order to draw the best out of each of our players. These methods focus on the mental part of the game. Teaching intellectual hockey, and cognitive thinking is our goal, with the results coming in the form of a deeper understanding of the game and increased creativity. We also want to arm our players with the ability to analyze their own game from an intellectual point of view. Training may include but is not limited to visualization exercises, imagination re-development, and playing specific styles of video games (we're not kidding)!



Your team connects with a high level Puck University Professor once a week for a 30 minute video training session. Prior to registering, Puck University will work with the coaches/team managers and create a weekly meeting time where each player is able to attend. Each player will receive four 30 minute training sessions a month and have the ability to have their questions answered in real time during these sessions. Another great feature that Puck University offers is an additional chat feature, this feature is checked by our Puck University Professors daily to ensure we are answering all your players/parents hockey questions. For pricing and partnering with your team please email​


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